Narnia... Adv # 21-.... [Trell links below]

Narnia Campaign

started June 3rd 2007

Campaign quick background information:  I am sure the plot and characters will seem familiar to many/all of you, but like the Phoenix School campaign, please do not assume you know everything.  I used the book/movie for a starting point based on my continent…  Races: Smart animals are the most common, beavers, deer, you name it.  Centaurs and satyrs are very common on Trell

The ‘queen’ appeared roughly 25 years ago, so living so long clearly sets her apart from other giants of Trell.  One other old giant has been NPCed. The queen quickly gained control of the islands and had all of the sons of Adam and daughters of Eve killed.  If you are an animal you have been instructed to act ‘normal’ if you see a son of Adam or daughter of Eve and report it immediately to the authorities, the local official crow or wolf. Most of you have seen the Queen from a distance but generally despise her.  Her faithful minions often refer to a time in the near future when she will be ruling all of Trell.  Your party has been part of a conspiracy raising someone (a human) on a remote island. The child was hidden during the massacre, no one is sure WHY the queen hates humans, they are just as corruptible if not more so than the other races of Trell. 
 (FOR PCs familiar with Trell:)  PCs have been told various stories about the chain of islands just east of the main continent.  Mostly that they used to rule all of Trell, but no one has been heard from/interacted with them in roughly 100 years with little explanation.  One party on one occasion has traveled to one island, but that is not near where you are and that might come back into the storyline, we shall see…



Adv #1 Blown cover…

The night started with the party completing new PCs, due to the new races availability

Andre, a son of Adam (Mike), The Bear, a bear (Dave), Brewer, a satyr (Mark), Gloria, a pixie (Brad), and Zephyr, a centaur (Jon) and his trusted companion T-Chi, a hawk

(More animal companions/familiar could also be joining the group)


The party grew up together in the village of Freehaven and helped keep Andre hidden. He and his kind (humans) have been hunted down by the witch/queen since before Andre was born.  As the adventure begins , a local fisherman told the village elders that a “hunting party” was seeking a boat to take them to Freehaven Island.  The hunting party looked like servants to the witch/queen (the hunting party turned out to be Maugrim the witch’s well known assassin and two cheetahs), so the village elders assumed the worst, the queen and found out about Andre.  Ericson (a treeEnt), had always told him when in trouble to come to him, so the party quickly gathered supplies, said their goodbyes and ran to see Ericson.  In route to Ericson’s glade, the party found out they were being chased and that the village of Freehaven was burning.  Gloria was hanging out with Ericson, which was good for the party, they were glad to have Gloria join them, a powerful pixie, even if she liked to tease and play pranks, she would helpful to the party.   Ericson quickly dropped some acorns which morphed into 2 ‘copies’ of the party and ran off in two different directions. Ericson also imbued Andre with magical abilities to help him hide from the witch/queen’s minions.  He would now be able to polymorph into a few animals, he was warned that prolonged stay in animal form could make the polymorph permanent, so he was told to make sure every 24 hours, 8 hours were spent as a son of Adam.  Andre polymorphed into an otter got onto the back of zephyr (the centaur) and ran for secret cave. This cave housed a boat large enough for the party.  Gloria had just returned a week earlier from making sure it was shipshape. Along the way to the boat the party saw a pillar of smoke rise up from Ericson’s glade and at least three crows that appeared to be searching for the party.  One crow found them and surprised the party by returning to her true form, a Harpy.  The party quickly entangled her and seemed unable to break out of the entanglement spell.  She repeatedly tried to sing the party into some kind of trance, the first round she was confused the second round the Bear and Pixie were in a trance walking/flying toward her while the third round included Andre killing her. (It can be noted that multiple PCs hit her before this a number of times)

After cutting off the head and removing magic items the party continued their nonstop pace and went to the boat.  Once on the boat for a few minutes, Maugrim and his cheetahs were seen at the shoreline.  Maugrim wears a large bear skin as a cloak.  After two rounds the party could see them reentering the forest…

DM Time stop (Most of the party made second level)


Adv #2 (7-29-07) The great lion and the isle of Deathwater

Aslan, the great lion, the Son of the Creator

Zephyr, the centaur / druid, T-chi his faithful hawk

Brewer, a satyr / bard

Gloria, a pixie / sorceress

The Beargrylls  (sp). a bear / holy warrior (paladin)

Andre, a Son of Adam / fighter (wolf, eagle, otter)


The party starts out on the boat.  The boat can hold roughly twice the passengers that are currently on board.  Gloria suggests to the party to go to Deathwater isle “NO one would look for us there, the party agrees for the short term.”  Strangely no one is sure why it is called Deathwater but they had never traveled to this island before.  Gloria typically giggles during awkward silences and does not miss this one, just then an owl flies in and delivers Andre a message (T-Chi did see the owl coming and did not raise a fuss as Owls frequently deliver messages and are trusted messengers for the islands.)


The party beached the boat and covered it to avoid detection…

The had T-Chi give them a rough idea of the landscape and them made camp in some caves.  During the night they all dreamed of Aslan.  He spoke to them and upon awakening the realized they had received a gift, some lion headed belts, others arrow, acorns and a bracelet.  WWAD, yes what would Aslan do was on the bracelet, good saying if you ever ask the DM… 


The party then decided to survey the island more closely. T-chi seemed to have seen some pillars near a small lake in the center of the island.  The pillars turned out to be carvings of Minatons.  The infamous Sebellicus (see multiple other campaign for more details), a wizard who frequently has attacked parties and rarely has been seen without a Minaton (a copper golem in the shape of a minotaur).  A ‘charmed’ dwarf was carving on the pillars and a roc was dipping the pillars and then taking two apparently to another location aft6er they were somehow turned into copper.  The party helped the dwarf break out of his routine and discussed what to do. 


The dumb bear, well not so dumb dipped his weapons into the lake, some of the party followed suit.  After some various plans Zephyr, decided to bury a seed of Erickson near the lake in attempts to purify the corruption of nature.  The party then decided to also damage the statues that had yet to be copperized, Once a statue was struck a FULLY animated Minaton arose from the lake and attacked the party, several party members dropped but with great effort and many magic missiles latter Andre stopped licking himself long enough to hit the beast and drop him.  The party then led the dwarf away, after moving the acorn further up the hill to hide the tree until it could affect the underground springs.  The party then saw what appeared to be an agent of the queen looking at them just before teleporting away (a small red/demon/baby???).  They figure the queen/witch would be coming soon, so Gloria again suggested another uncharted island named ”Darkness” just east/northeast of Deathwater…


Late in the night the party named themselves, Heroes of Trell (HOT), Dave also mad a name for himself, something about how sons of Adam easily can kill bears…


Lead into next time…#3 The party made it ti the island called Darkness,  it is always dark on the island and Aslan told Zephyr in a dream that Timon (the lion killer) and his evil pixie companion Pegi were near by and hunting for them.  The party began a discussion on how to ‘ambush’ them but did not detail out any plans…


Adv #3 (8-12-07) Timon & Pegi, Secrets best friend? Darkness

Heroes of Trell (HOT) includes…

Zephyr, the centaur / druid, T-chi his faithful hawk

Brewer, a satyr / bard

Gloria, a pixie / sorceress

The Bear Grylls   a bear / holy warrior (paladin)

Andre, a son of Adam / fighter (polymorfs into a wolf, eagle,& otter)


The party starts out on the boat about to land on the beach of Darkness isle.  They circled the island looking for a good hiding place for the boat and decided on a wooded area for coverage.  They decide to search the island, in order to see what is on the island and find place to ambush the lion killer.  Once in the woods several party members spot a Son of Adam with a pixie on his shoulder as they approach, they realize Roderick is the Son of Adam and he has several underlings with him. Reepicheep a bold mouse, a wolverine, Bree a war horse, two sailors, and a pixie named Lori.  Roderick tried to get the party to join his frontal assault on the queen which he has planned in a month’s time.  The party did not seem interested in Roderick’s frontal assault plan and after some small talk they went their separate ways.  Zephyr and Brewer caught up with him and convinced him not to commandeer their boat and also let him know about the Lion killer and the secret of Deathwater island. 

            After this strange meeting, HOT went to the center of the island and were caught in Timon’s trap.  He and Pegi had a large area of pit traps set in the center of the island including several aerial traps in the trees.  Over half the party fell into one and Andre was asleep before the end of the round.  The others began to engage Timon while Gloria faced off with Pegi.  Grylls was wounded and Zephyr dropped to near death before the party took out both Pegi and Timon.  Many items were found on the two bodies and the party spent some time figuring what things were and dividing up the loot.  After looking for Shift some more, Shift happened upon them.  He explained he thought Roderick was foolish and had avoided him then asked the party to help him subtly fight the Queen.


Adv #4 (8-26-07) Made Man

Heroes of Trell (HOT) includes…

Zephyr, the centaur / druid, T-chi his faithful hawk

Brewer, a satyr / bard

Gloria, a pixie / sorceress

The Bear Grylls   a bear / holy warrior (paladin)

Dread a Minotaur joined the party during the course of this adventure.


DM note: Players who give the DM via email or by hand a FULLY updated character sheet will earn 100 xpts for adv#5.  Also, Andre was not on the boat when the party awoke, Shift mentioned he asked for other arrangements during the night…


The party previously accepted the offer to work subtly versus the queen within shift’s spy network.  He mentioned he has an operative whose cover is in danger and needs someone to pull him out.  The party was all in for mission.  Upon seeing the island they realized many openly wore Aslan items that would not help them stay undercover themselves on an island controlled by the queen.  So some items were covered or removed. 

A centaur named Alfus Grandour greeted Zephyr with Aslan forsaken place as they docked.  The party then meet the formal greeting party a Minotaur named Dread (seemingly normal NPC) and several giants.  They mentioned they were looking for some work hauling cargo.  The out of place story seemed to appease Dread.  The party then split up.  Brewer checked out the local love shack, Zephyr went to the cargo station. Grylls went to the bar with invisible Glori.  Dread asked Grylls why they were REALLY here, so he asked if he knew Leon.  {Leon was the secret name of shift’s contact} Dread and Grylls then started a conversation on how to get him off the island {actually the two just drank (honey ale for the bear) and waited for the brains to show up}

After a LONG complicated plot was formulated, Alfus was asked/tricked into their plan to ‘out’ Dread’s position in order to transplant Alfus into his place.  The plan worked and the party left with Dread and some crates of cargo, shockingly no agents of the queen were aware of where the ‘party’ was during the entire adventure. (the party may want to ask what was in the crates exactly)


Adv #5 (1-06-08) Wanted: Sea Dogs (the prequel)    Heroes of Trell (HOT) includes…  Zephyr, the centaur / druid, T-chi his faithful hawk  Brewer, a satyr / bard    Gloria, a pixie / sorceress   The Bear Grylls   a bear / holy warrior (paladin) Dread a Minotaur / fighter TD a NPC Griffin (cameo)


  Shift is more than impressed with your subtlety, and he will call upon that again, but now is the time for action.  Roderick is a fool but have many followers who at one time worked with Shift.  Shift does not want them to die in vain, so he wants to help them if he can.  He sent a owl asking the party to steal the cargo off a ship leaving Deathwater island and deliver it to Roderick’s army. 

            The boat you have been using is too small to carry a large number of crates, but Shift knows a few ship builders who can magically outfit t the dingy for a much large cargo hold.  The ship builders are horseman oddly enough. Samuel is your contact person on the north coast of the island of Garma. 

            The party first had to refresh their memories of the previous adv and open the crates Dread helped them steal at the end of the last adventure.  Leather suits of armor and fresh produce along with some bells in a bandolier were found.  Brewer attempted to bardic lore the bells and recalled some cursory information about the Abhorsen’s necromantic bells.  He quickly put them on (not knowing how dangerous they were to him and the party).

            Once to the island the party was asked to discern quickly who Samuel was.  (DM made the mistake of thinking he had more horseman to confuse the party).  Anyone who guessed a horse got some xp pts. Of course Samuel was a horse, the grey one.  The riders who appeared on the horse were found out later to be illusionary (DM what happened later with and illusionary magic I am sure had nothing to do with the horses… maybe)

            The party were in for a 24 refit on their vessel and quickly decided to attempt to ‘recruit’ some giants.  Dread started to help the horses, but also decided to help in recruitment.  Zephyr was trying out his wild form and so the party had two hawks, unfortunately no good way of communicating with the party. Three giants were soon found hunting a she bear and her cubs (2).  Brewer thought it an opportune time to test the bell, as he ‘snuck up to the giants, he was hit with a boulder.  The next round the party started to advance and the smallest bell Ranna started to ring.  Luckily Brewer has some amazing performance skills otherwise the entire party might have slept through the remainder of the adventure. The bell put two of the three giants to sleep and the party then put the other giant down in due course.  This random encounter yielded multiple useful magic items for the party.   Containing an assortment of swords, boulders, belts, a tooth, necklaces of various power and function.  The party went back to the shipbuilders’ camp (dividing up the treasure before returning).  They considered abandoning Shift’s mission in hopes to find more well equipped (easily slept) giants…

            Once the party settled down for some rest Brewer tossed his bells to Dread’s feet and seemed to walk away ‘prancing’ quickly returning he looked for the bells just as Dread was reaching for the spot where they last were.  Clearly something had gone on

(due to the large amount of note passingJ) But nothing was explained fully …  The party was preparing to depart apparently belless when TD (the griffin) flew in with information from shift (DM TIME STOP)            


Previously noted:  Shift was considering commandeering the ship but the Queen's men have had a strange knack of locating any of her vessels as of late...????( XP PTs in many ways around this topic...)


(1-20-08) Adv #6 Sea Dogs II (the subtitle has yet to be discovered)


The party met with TD (a very large Griffin), she gave Dread a sextant and two books to aid in navigation.  The party then discussed whether to go recruit (hunt) more giants or to sail off, the majority seemed to want to find more giants, but Dread broke in with his quick estimates that Shift would want them at specific coordinates in roughly 10-12 hours and that he believes it will take 10-12 hours to get there.  Luckily the new cargo hold was prepped and ready to go.  Dreads captain skills seemed to be overlooked in the Queen’s navy due to the party easily getting to their destination in just 10 hours…


The party began discussing what to do once meeting the ship… T-chi spotted the ship off in the distance.  The party started moving away from the ship while T-chi and Gloria scouted the ship out.  T-chi observed the sailor in the crows nest somehow flung out into a sail (pre ripped) setting the ship (the Bounty) into flurry of activity, distracting them enough for the party to sail up to the ship without any long term warning.  The party sailed up with Dread (Leon, AKA) up front, the ship was about to raise the alarm when they recognized ‘Leon’ and welcomed him aboard.  Once aboard (the Bear was ‘tied’ up wookie style) Dread and Azul the minotaur captain went into the his cabin.  Once in the cabin a loud shriek was heard.  The crew and party went into combat mode.  During the next few rounds lots of arrows were shot and the party looked like it was in trouble.  Oddly enough a satyr (the crew was nearly ALL satyr) was not moving almost seeming in trance.  Zephyr summoned some small elementals to help the fight, while T-chi attacked the new sailor in the crow nest. After some intense fighting in the cabin with Gloria and Dread fighting Azul, they came out victorious onto the deck and the turned the fight into a slow slaughter of the remaining satyr.  Once the non moving satyr was damaged he cam out of his trance and started ‘paralyzing’ Grylls, then Dread but was then dropped with a group effort, since he was the only remaining crew member.  The party gathered up a quick list of valuable and started hauling crates into this ship.  Once the crates were noted as carrying halberd points, arrow tips and long swords.  Roughly ¾ of the way through loading the crates the party notice a known enemy watching them from a far. (Dread commented on how concerned he was knowing the Queen’s own familiar was observing their actions. *New info for the party*)  And if that was not enough a figure on a flying carpet flew up (with a golden monkey just behind him)  

Fireballing the deck while the monkey magicmissiled Brewer (YES there was some time/location issues, but the party as a whole need to be better at keeping their figurines in the ‘current’ location).  Zephyr summoned more small elemental, one of which (air) knocked the rider off his carpet, while fascinated by Brewer. At this point the monkey steered the carpet back to the figure in furs and was teleported away much to the monkey’s dismay at not staying and finishing these “fhgdfjkasghdfajkfsk” (monkey rant)

The party then finished loading up the cargo…


3-09-08 Return to Garma #7


The party starts on ‘the bounty’ just finishing loading cargo and TD lands on the bounty congratulating you on the successful raid, She (TD) asks what your plan is for the bounty and how she might be of further assistance.  TD leans over and a magical effect seems to remove the magic circle on the deck of the ship.  The party debates whether they feel the Queen’s method of tracking the ship is TRULY removed…  After some lengthy discussion the party sail BOTH ships in the general direction of Garma and then leave the bounty about 90 minutes off the coast. 


Upon returning to Garma they meet a group of mice led by Reepicheep (high mouse, knight of the lion and newly appointed high general of Roderick’s army) {Roderick being the son of Adam who attempted to recruit the party many adventures ago.}  Reepicheep noted the success and offered several of his mice sailors to help man the bounty until the tracking method could be clearly determined “off”. 


Once the ship was unloaded and some rest was had by the (5min work day) party; they realized that they had over a day before the next attempt and piracy could be executed, they headed off to hunt some giants.  The party started out into the forest ad saw some wild life, a rabbit, the a skunk.  The skunk quickly ran through the group and sprayed (giggling as he ran away).  The party now reeked and realized giants might be able to smell them coming.  Glori briefly tried to catch him… 


The party continued on trying to find some giants when they happened upon a giant sitting down with his back to them leaning against a tree.  At least one party member saw a trap potential as the party moved forward.  Suddenly two trap doors in the woods flipped open and four more giants came out, one had a sprite on his shoulder (w/ a skunk tail).  The party immediately entered deadly combat.  Unfortunately for the giants and the sprite 5 healthy giants was not enough, the party killed 2 giants and Sim (the sprite) in the final round.  Several magic items were located and it was discovered later that the bells missing from Brewer had been located on Sim.  Apparently Sim has been the cause of much trickery…


The party will resume back at the horse camp a few hours before ‘The Night Gaunt’ (a war /cargo vessel) is to be pirated…


Adv #8 Aslan’s Return (Roderick’s Fate / A New Direction)

3-23-08                      The players                        Grylls (Dave) a holy warrior bear           

Gloria (Brad) a socereress sprite    Brewer (Mark) a bard satyr

Dread (Brian) a minotaur fighter            TD (NPC/Cathy) a griffin

Zephyr (Jon) a druid centaur                T-chi (Zephyr) a hawk companion       


After defeating a giant, skunk/sprite trap the party came back to camp.  They rested and did some training.  Zephyr planted another Ericson acorn.  Once setting off to attempt another takeover on the high seas, the party discovered the Night Gaunt was a head of schedule, either Dread’s calculations were wrong OR something else was a foot.

The party used TD’s great movement rate to find and spy on the night gaunt.  Finding out that it had been turned into a slave ship.

The party eventually figured out a way for TD to carry them, bagging or polymorphing the larger members and dropping them off near the ship.  Zephyr disabled the ship by sending three water elementals to lock up the rudder while Dread and Grylls attempted a frontal assault.  Meanwhile Brewer Golria and Zephyr were all near by casting spells.

A deadly fight ensued with lots of satyrs and minotaurs on board.  The lead minotaur was actually a minoton which gave the party quite a bit of trouble.  During the fight Dread dropped and Grylls dropped shortly after… Luckily TD was swooping in and cured Grylls.  The party then slowly eliminated the remainders of the crew…


After accessing the cargo and finding some metal armor, the party spotted two ships approaching, their own vessel and the Bounty.  After agreeing to load up the Bounty and take the Night Gaunt as their ‘new’ ship the party was visited by The Great Lion.


Aslan has returned to Trell

(see brief excert from speech)


Aslan mentioned Roderick and his entire (minus Reep) group of military leaders betrayed their soldiers and joined the Queenwitch.  Aslan also directed the party to help a new knight of the lion, King Louis X.  He has been looking to return metal to it’s former ‘normal’ condition in Trell.  He had been searching for the cause with a praty of adventures, most of whom have disappeared (rumored to have been killed by a blood thirsty revenge seeking band of centaurs).  The party was asked to head north to Loc-Nar and seek out the King and help him in is quest.  TD KNOWS King Louis X, finding Aslan somewhat through her introduction (yes, one less for you to convert Grylls) 

The quest(s) were accpted and they seemed a little taken aback by their new found power from Aslan’s MANA. (DM note : Aslan has only graced you with his presence once…

Also, some details might be helpful on fool’s errand campaign links on trell website…


After looking at the map Grylls pulls out, the party desides to head north toward Deathwater, (possibly making a pit stop at their home island of New Freehaven), with their small vessel in tow.


(4-6-08) 11 / 09 / 122   #9       No longer just for Fools (Fool’s Errand being the title of a previous campaign that this group is inheriting after multiple deaths in the party)


The party began in their new vessel The Night Gaunt, which was empty.  When drums (see previous adv notes) are used the ship travels at 50-60 feet a move action.  The party had many options to consider: attack more giants(who were traveling in larger packs), go to their home (New Freehaven) so Zephyr could plant one of Erickson’s seed in his burned out grove, go to Death Water to verify their earlier work had taken root(pun intended).


Once the party decided to meet King Louis X ASAP, Zephyr decided to go on his own (well does two NPCs count, TD and T-chi).  He wild-shaped into a eagle (80 movement rate) and went to New Freehaven, planted a seed of Erickson while the party rowed.  TD did not want to go to Death Water due to her knowledge about the Queen Witch(QW) taking it over and knowing her on sight…  On his own (Zephyr) changed into a raven (of which their were many at Death Water) and flew in for a closer look.  The acorn that had been planted mere months earlier had grown at an amazing rate.  The tree was several feet across at the trunk and over sixty feet high.  It also was a living metal (silver) tree.  The QW’s minions had brought many devices to bear on the tree.  Many siege-type devices were strewn on the hillside in various degrees of disrepair.  Also a large number of crates seemed poised to be dipped into the pool with nothing metal packed up.  Several vessels were apparently waiting for new cargo that was not coming…


Just as Zephyr was leaving he saw a flash of light (reflected off of the tree) but has yet to fully understand the meaning.  (Every few days he has a flashback back to that moment and feels like he is getting closer to understanding.  The tree attempted to communicate with Zephyr) so far he has been able to understand that the tree calls itself Ishilandra and one of its goals is to protect metal as far as its sphere of control extends.  Unfortunately the immediate effect is to protect metal of the QW’s army, but her hope is to extend her influence…


Upon catching up with the party, Zephyr relayed his successful ‘solo’ accomplishments.  (TD and T-Chi had met up with the party earlier due to avoiding Death Water.)  Once close to the South gates TD brought Numskull (King Louis Xth’s Vizier) aboard.  She presented the party with a detailed LIST of possible causes for the lack of metal in Trell.  She detailed out the Kings quest to solve this riddle and return metal to its ‘normal’ condition in Trell. After some conversation, the party decided to travel to the last seen coven member (group of beholders). In route the golden monkey (see adv #7) and his lacky ambushed the party on the road to the King’s residence.  A fight ensued, where the wizard on the flying carpet was dropped by an arrow in round one and multiple high level spells were cast some heroes ran off and finally the monkey fell but only while dancing and mean jig…(Otto’s irresistible dance), then the party divided treasure.


Possible reasons for the lack of metal in Trell        

Black= original, green= Sebellicus’ notes, Blue = Numskulls comments


1. A druiddess (Neysa) experiment gone awry If she was alive, I would have blamed her  Substantial evidence disproving

2. Rust monsters were overpopulating Trell  If only there was more of them to slaughter  Substantial evidence disproving

3. Drastic climate changes

It did not help           Research lacking

4. Azim has an enemy who wants to discredit him.

Yes but who is powerful enough:Xerxes, Cthulu, Jadis, Aslan, CREATOR

5. Another continued Neysas experiments  IF she only knew the potential of her work   Substantial evidence disproving

6. Wild surge of wild mages while linked

The Coven is the only group I know that is powerful enough to attempt such a link

Not sure where to start attempts to prove this   RE: the COVEN

7. Mad wizard (Sebellicus) making army of Minatons

An army of Minatons, wouldn’t that be nice Could not have affected all of Trell

8. Curse from the Gods  HA, I doubt it   Stranger things have been known to happen on Trell

9. Azim testing the faithful

HA, he wishes he had that much influence here on Trell  Agreed

10. Asilo & Loc-Nar economical venture NOT   Loc-Nar… 

11. Religious politics need more research Substantial evidence disproving

12. Could Sebellicus be behind this?




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