d. Metal:
As of the year 88AtToF no reason behind the instantaneous rusting of over 97% of all metals on Trell has been discovered.
Below are rumors everyone has heard:
A) An Insane Wizard who is creating an army of Minatons
B) The Sand dunes drastically affected the environment
C) A freak of Wild Magic
D) A highly successful experiment by a one-eyed university druiddess
E) Rust Monsters are very powerful in Trell
F) The DM wanted a gimic
G)for an updated list see the fool's errand campaign summary
Trellians have adapted to the lack of metal. Things typically made from metal are often made from the following list: bone,
various stone, hard leather, cloth, ceramic and wood. Weapons and armor not made of metal are not as reliable or as sturdy.
Armor: *For partial armor see Dark Sun page 72 rulebook)
Shield: Are well-constructed layers of leather over wooden or bone frames and hardened. Chiltinous material may be used,
sizes range bucklers, small, medium or body shields
Leather armor: Most common armor worn on Trell, shaped to wearer then hardened
Padded: Heavy cloth and batting on Trell it is often made from Giants hair
Hide: Mekillot or braxat hide
Studded: leather ring mail, brigandine
Scale: Armor is constructed using long pieces of bone or chiltin.
Metal only: Chain, Splint, Banded, Bronze, Plate, Field, Full plate, expensive and potentially deadly in the days heat
Max, usage 1 round per constitution point.
*In Daylight metal armor +1 AC until collapse from exhaustion or heat.
@And For some strange reason a suit of armor still cost over 20,000 ceramic pieces on Trell.