Narnia... Adv # 21-.... [Trell links below]

Combat system DM notes

Combat System

3rd Edition notes

No Thaco / No saving throw charts

1 round = 6 seconds 1 turn = 60 seconds or 10 rounds

Armor class = 10+ armor bonus + shield bonus + dexterity modifier + size modifierMelee attack roll = base attack bonus + strength modifier + size modifier = AC hitRanged attack roll = base attack bonus + Dexterity bonus + size modifier + range penalty = AC hit

Attack options: Attack: you can move and make a single attack, or attack and move

Charge: When making a charge, you move in a straight line for up to double your speed and then make one attack with a +2 charge bonus on the attack roll. You suffer a 2 charge penalty to your AC until your next action.

Full attack: you can get access to multiple attacks, only a 5 ft step can be made

Spells: You can move and cast a one-action spell. This does provoke an AOO.

Initiative system d20+dex +?feats?

At the start of combat EVERYONE is flatfooted until they move

Unless the have uncanny dodge

Movement base for large Man-sized Small Tiny

No / light armor 40 30 20 15

In medium / heavy armor 30 20 15 10

Attacks of opportunity (AOO): You open yourself up for an extra attack when you enter anothers threatened area and when you use a ranged weapon or cast a spell.

Death, Dying and Healing: 0 HP= disabled to make a partial action take 1 hp dam

-1 to 9 = unconscious and can make no actions; remain stable 10% per round. To stabilize a friend make a DC 15 heal check

Miscellaneous / exceptions/ details p 117-118PH

- A 1 round effect starting at count 15 ends at count 15 of the next round

- Fighting defensively is 4 to all attacks but +2 dodge to AC

- Flanking gives +2 bonus to attack

- Cover gives bonus to AC ¼ +2, ½ +4& no AOO, ¾ +7, 9/10 +10

- If invisible +2 to attacks and opponents get no dexterity bonus

- If you are flatfooted you cannot make AOO

- Range increments for ranged and hurled weapons affect attack roll

each increments give a cumulative 2 to attack roll, hurled max 5 projectile max 10

- Hurled Ranged weapons get strength bonus up to 30 feet

- Two-handed weapons get 1 ½ strength bonus to damage, off hand swinging two weapons ½ str

- Critical threat: second roll also a critical roll then, third roll a hit is instant death

- Random Magic p179 DMG

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