Narnia... Adv # 21-.... [Trell links below]



Sun   Fire, Air, Law, Evil 

D- the SUN

HS-The rays of the Sun

PD- Sun worship is the meat and drink of these patrons. They sacrifice of wine using a non-consumption method on the first day of each week. Patrons must spend as much time as possible under the sun. Three to four days without sun causes minor inanities for many worshipers. Noon is the prime worshipping hour as well as prayer time one hour each day. Darkness is the only time for sleeping and rest. During the noon hour 1/2 before and after the priests of the Sun gain bonuses for use of sun sphere spells. They receive range (x2) and 25% added duration to those spells. Spends as much time possible staring at the sun. The sun is currently the most powerful of elements on Trell

AB- standard


WP- Bastard and Long sword, Footman's mace, hammer,

AR- Any

PW- 1) Cleric can cast a light spell two times per day.

2) +4 vs. sun, heat or fire based spell, but -3 to any cold-based attacks.

3) Can cast burning hands 1/day at current level, immune to the affect of the sun (blister rays spell no affect water usage halved. skin tanned for life, priest can look directly at the sun without burning his retinas

4) Bathing under the sun for 1 hour each day will double the clerics own natural healing process for the rest of the day (24 hours).

5) Character can detect undead by sight at 25 feet. This also applies to undead before unseen.

-Gate in one beam of pure sunlight one yard wide per level above 4th. Each yard is enough to damage one medium creature. Giants count as 2 mediums. Anyone hit takes 6d8 points of damage, save for half, undead hit by a ray of the sun must make a save vs. rods or be slain instantly, no MR, once per day (not at night)

6) Ignore Heat: sunray (no affect),

7) Immune to all forms of magical blindness. If character is physically blinded the cleric has a 50% chance their eyes will regenerate to a functioning level.

9) Character can cast a flame strike 1/day at current level.

11) Character can cast a sunray 1/week at three levels higher than current level.

12) Shape change into Sun elemental 1 round per level

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