Trell 3rd Edition notes
Difficulty Class Examples from p93 DMG
-10 can, even asleep hear a Dragon roar one floor below you (listen)
0-3 Super easy track a group of giants through mud (search)
4-6 Easy ave. human climb a knotted rope with 75 lb pack (climb)
7-9 Not hard
10 Typical situation follow orcs across firm ground (search)
11-12 Slight problem
13-14 Minor problem bash in a wooden door (strength)
15-16 Slightly difficult stabilizes a dying friend (heal)
17-18 Some difficulty bash opens a strong wooden door (strength)
19,20,21 Hard walk a tight rope (balance)
- Requiring magic grab a spear out of guards hands (melee attack)
or extreme situation shoot a armored guard through an arrow slit (attack / dex)
25-27 Very difficult disable a glyph of warding (disable device)
28-30 Extreme difficulty bash open an iron door (Strength)
43 yea right tracking orcs on firm ground a week old since snowed (wilderness lore)
Making DC or above = success
DC+5 did well
DC+10 Great success
DC+20 perfect
Taking 10: allows them to get an average roll when doing something over long distances like swimming or regular movement.
Only done when Lots of rolls are needed
Characters on watch make 3 listen checks
+2-20 for favorable conditions
Like have help, perfect tool, good weather, on home turf
-2-20 for unfavorable conditions
Like using misinformation, bad wind, in a speed trapJ
Nat 20/1 if 2nd roll make the same result success of failure something extreme happens p92dmg
Trell 3rd Edition notes II